Thursday, September 21, 2006

Shafts turned confidently in a pick-up spindle VTL

Hessapp has further developed its pick-up spindle vertical turning lathe (VTL) concept for machining shafts.

Shafts turned confidently in a pick-up spindle VTL Hessapp has further developed its pick-up spindle vertical turning lathe (VTL) concept for machining shafts. The VDM 250 R has a tailstock mounted on the pick-up spindle and a tailstock on a separate slide. The concept, says Hessapp, ensures better accuracy and rigidity.

It also allows a pneumatic parts gripper to be integrated into the tool turret, which also facilitates exact positioning of the gripper.

The VDM 250 R machines differential housings, steering knuckles, drive shafts, lay shafts, main shafts, pinion shafts and similar parts such as electric motor and small turbine shafts.

Maximum turning diameter is 200mm and maximum swing is 315mm diameter.

Workpiece height (or length if you like) is 400mm, including chuck.

Maximum drive power at 40% duty cycle is 31kW, and torque, 200Nm.

Maximum spindle speed is 6000 rev/min and spindle nose is A6.

Fast traverse rates are 60m/min (X-axis) and 30m/min (Z-axis).

The tool turret has 12 tool locations and accepts 40mm diameter tool shanks (DIN 69880).