Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thread whirlers cut orthopedic threads on autos

CNC automatic lathes can now be equipped with a thread whirling attachment to cut single and/or double lead threads with high pitch angles of up to 24 deg on orthopedic components.

Some of the newer orthopedic screw designs feature single and/or double lead threads with high pitch angles of up to 24 deg. These high helix threads have considerably steeper pitch angles than in the past. Typically these high pitch threads had to be manufactured as a secondary operation after blanking on a 'Swiss' style machine.

This was due to a limitation in the pitch angle adjustment on the thread whirling attachment.

To meet this new market demand, Tornos is offering a new thread whirling device on its DECO series machines to produce these high angle bone screws efficiently, accurately, and in one setup.

The company will show the new thread whirling device on a DECO 20a, 10-axis multi-function turning center at IMTS 2006, in Chicago.

'The most efficient and economical way to make these 20-24 deg orthopedic screws is with our configuration of 10 independent axes with the new high angle thread whirling device,' said Mark Saalmuller, marketing and communications manager for Tornos.

'The part is supported while it is being whirled, which results in better accuracy, with burr-free results, and made completely in one setup.' The 20a, with bar capacity up to 20mm diameters (25.4mm optional), is offered with up to 12 axes (10 axes is standard).

The 20a provides up to 10,000 rev/min spindle speeds powered by a 5.5kW motor and will be shown equipped with a Tornos integrated bar loader.

The well-equipped, easy-access machine features a counter spindle and an interchangeable combination of 22 tools, 17 of which can be 'live' rotating tools for milling and drilling functions.

These multiple, independent axes allow up to four tools to cut simultaneously.

Users can opt for 12 axes with 'C' axis.

Programming is accomplished offline through the use of Tornos' patented TB-DECO software.

Users may also opt to program their DECO machine with PartMaker 'SwissCam' software.