Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Vertical turning capacity increased to 340mm dia

Larger vertical turning centre (pick-up spindle) takes workpieces of up to 340mm diameter and 160mm height and main 58kW spindle motor aplies a torque of up to 930Nm.
As a complement to the VL 3 and VL 5 Standard Turning Centers Emag has introduced the new VSC 7 for larger, heavier workpieces. This ensures that sub-contractors and tier-1 suppliers of, for instance, components for the power train of HGVs can now also profit from the large number of advantages offered by the vertical turning centers from Emag. The most outstanding attribute of the VSC 5 / VSC 7 series from Emag is the successful combination of sophisticated technology and highest quality on the one hand and the low capital outlay and minimum footprint - and thus optimal economic performance in the factory - on the other.
The VSC 7 Vertical Turning Center corresponds in construction and equipment content to the well proven vertical turning centers of the VSC series from Emag.
Thus, for instance, they feature the usual Mineralit polymer granite machine base with its excellent dampening properties, which ensures extended tool life and a better surface finish.
The machine base carries the gantry with the overhead slide unit that contains the main spindle.
This guarantees symmetrical force distribution and a high degree of rigidity.
Spindle motor, main spindle and quill unit, turret, electrical cabinet and machine base are all fluid cooled.
A twin-circuit heat exchanger maintains the machine temperature within tight limits of the ambient temperature.
The Z-axis quill unit's hydrostatic bearing, the 160mm diameter of the main spindle's front bearing and the sturdy VDI 50 tool receptors in the turret ensure that milling and drilling operations are carried out with the necessary rigidity and an absolute minimum of vibration.
The turret accommodates 12 turning tools or, alternatively, up to 12 live drilling and milling tools.
A chuck of 400mm diameter takes workpieces of up to 340mm diameter and 160mm height.
The main spindle motor has a power rating of 58kW, a maximum torque 930Nm and reaches speeds of up to 3600 rev/min.
The workpieces are loaded by so called 'L-automation' with flexible carrier prisms that are aligned by an NC axis.
This allows for varying workpieces to be conveyed to the pick-up station in 4 to 6s, without the need for resetting.
Where required, two machines can be interlinked by component turnover station and thus converted into a flexible manufacturing cell that complete-machines the component, in this case at front and rear.
To ensure that given workpiece tolerances are checked and held, a measuring probe - located outside the machining area - can be integrated into the process.
Measuring the workpieces while they are clamped in the main spindle allows the CNC control system to instigate possible tool offsets.
This ensures that given tolerances are held and the component quality maintained, even during unmanned production.
A combination of well proven modules recognised by the manufacturing industry as standard components and a small number of also standardised optional components, allows Emag to make the VSC 7 available within a few weeks.
This ensures that sub-contractors and 1st-tier suppliers in particular can manage to do the expected splits between maximum process capability and finishing accuracy, minimal expense and highest degree of flexibility.
To achieve this, they use well proven, reliable machines and unreservedly enjoy all the advantages the vertical turning center offers, such as maximum flexibility, productivity and process capability.